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      How worship can change a nation (Part 7)

      How worship can change a nation (Part 7)

      When God created the heavens, the earth and everything on it, he also created us, mankind. When He created Adam and Eve, His aim was that mankind would rule over the earth, out of their relationship with Him. That last part is very important to remember, because we were never meant to rule based upon our own knowledge and insights. Let’s start with God’s original plan for mankind.

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      Releasing the anointing (Part 6)

      Releasing the anointing (Part 6)

      Realness. It is a big deal in the Kingdom of our God. Like I’ve said many times before, it is all about the condition of our heart. To God we are like glass, and I’m not talking about the stained glass, but about transparent glass. He looks right through us. He immediately sees the condition of our heart and the true motivations that live inside of it. Even before you think or act, He knows about the intents of our heart. There is no way He can be fooled. The only one we really fool is ourselves. 

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      The fruits of worship (Part 5)

      The fruits of worship (Part 5)

      If you’ve read the other studies I’ve written about worship, then by now you’ll know that the aim of worship always is to have a relationship from heart to heart. If you haven’t read the other studies yet, I want to encourage you to do so. There are several other studies in this category. In this study, while knowing what the aim of worship is, we’re going to look at the fruits of worship. Let’s start with the spiritual fruits. 

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      Our gestures of worship (Part 4)

      Our gestures of worship (Part 4)

      The most important thing about our attitude during worship always is the condition of our heart. I know, I’ve mentioned it in other studies as well, but I can’t emphasize it enough. If our heart doesn’t have the right condition, our worship is worthless to God.

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      What happens during worship (Part 3)

      What happens during worship (Part 3)

      When it comes to the topic of worship, there is one very familiar verse in the Bible where Jesus is calling us not to just singing songs, but to go further than just that.

      Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
      John 4:21-24

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